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250K + $SNICK Holders!

Contract Address: 0x2766Bb905AE4727a4E1B7875649Be4283b334A4a

DALL·E 2024-04-18 19.52.35 - A vibrant and colorful image of a mischievous, cartoon-style


Token Story

In order to create the most exciting and joyful community on Base, Snick boarded a spaceship with 1T golden acorns. To soar even further, Snick launched the golden acorns out of this world, allowing all of us to enjoy a piece of Snick's golden acorns. This is the story of our token.


SnickerSnap token plans to utilize our website, Twitter, Telegram, Instagram, and other platforms for initial marketing efforts. Our ultimate goal is to build a massive community and become one of the major meme coins on Base Chain.

We will create a liquidity pool and airdrop our tokens to Base Chain token holders to raise awareness of SNICK tokens and ultimately build a large community for active trading.

Our ultimate goal is to secure high trading volume and build a large community, becoming the top meme token on Base Chain.




Airdrop 90%


Liquidity Pool 10%

Burn LP Token

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